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IJ Holton Intermediate School

1800 4th Ave SE
Austin, MN 55912
School Hours: 8:00AM - 3:00PM

Austin Public Schools

After School Activities

Holton Hero Image

Holton Enrichment Activities and Teams (HEAT)

Two week sessions of a variety of activities are offered throughout the school year for IJ Holton students. We encourage students to try many new activities. This is a great age for students to explore their interests and make new friends.

  • Sessions run from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
  • Limited 4:00 bus service is provided
  • Locations vary depending on the club
  • Healthy snack is provided
  • Class sizes are limited, so register soon
  • $20 registration fee for each session

Session information and registration forms are available here. For more information, please contact Mrs. Deyo at or 507-460-1525.

Hawk Academy

Hawk Academy is an excellent educational opportunity for students who need extra support. Students are invited to attend classes based on recent Scantron assessments. Once enrolled, they will participate in a fast paced activity based hour of reading, math and gym time. Under the direction of the teacher, the students may participate in technology based lessons, educational games focusing on math facts, or read novels. Classes are held in "sessions", every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 3-4 pm. Students receive a snack and limited busing is available. There is no cost for this program. Please contact Kristen Wilker for more information at or 507-460-1525.

VEX Robotics

VEX Robotics presents an engineering challenge in the form of a game. Students, with guidance from their coach and student mentors, use the VEX Robotics Design System to build innovative robots designed to score the most points possible in qualification matches, bracket elimination, and skills challenges. Students learn valuable engineering skills, gain life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, communication, collaboration, project management, and critical thinking. The VEX Robotics Competition prepares students to become future innovators in STEM subject areas and increase their interest in pursuing STEM-related careers. This is a competition team and students must apply to participate in the selection process. There is a limited number of positions available.
Check us out at or


WORD stands for We Oppose and Resist Drugs. WORD is a drug awareness group open to all 5th and 6th grade students that focuses on alcohol, tobacco and marijuana prevention. WORD meets once a month from 3:00 - 4:00 to discuss prevention. Each month a different drug-free activity is scheduled at a variety of locations and times. See the WORD calendar for meeting and activity dates and times. Cost to participate in WORD meetings is free. There may be a nominal fee to participate in the monthly activities depending on the activity. There is limited bussing provided at 4:00 following the WORD meetings.
For more information please contact Marie Wood at or 507-272-5899.